Nervous system

Results: 6907

131Neuroscience / Nervous system / Cognitive science / Magnetic resonance imaging / Cognitive neuroscience / Cognition / Functional magnetic resonance imaging / Social cognition / Resting state fMRI / Neuroinformatics / Emotion

METHODS ARTICLE published: 28 August 2012 doi: fninfNEUROINFORMATICS

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Language: English - Date: 2014-06-30 13:46:14
132Neuroscience / Nervous system / Biology / Electroencephalography / Electrophysiology / Neurophysiology / Electrodiagnosis / Neural oscillation / Resting state fMRI / Near-death experience / Functional magnetic resonance imaging / Gamma wave

EEG Oscillatory States: Universality, Uniqueness and Specificity across Healthy-Normal, Altered and Pathological Brain Conditions Alexander A. Fingelkurts*, Andrew A. Fingelkurts BM-Science – Brain and Mind Technologie

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Language: English - Date: 2015-10-17 20:09:12
133Brain / Neuroscience / Nervous system / Limbic system / Pigeon racing / Olfaction / Cerebrum / Animal migration / Olfactory navigation / Magnetoreception / Homing pigeon / Odor

Downloaded from on August 19, 2016 Odours stimulate neuronal activity in the dorsolateral area of the hippocampal formation during path integration

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Language: English
134Optical illusions / Perception / Illusory contours / Triangles / Nervous system / Cognitive science / Visual system / Qualia

Cognitive Psychology 44, 148–doi:cogp, available online at on The Interpolation of Object and Surface Structure Barton L. Anderson, Manish Singh, and Roland W. Fl

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Language: English - Date: 2004-08-12 02:10:56
135Neuroscience / Nervous system / Cognitive neuroscience / Neuropsychology / Academia / Social status / Intelligence / Developmental cognitive neuroscience / Systems neuroscience / Early childhood education / Socioeconomic status / Intelligence quotient

REVIEW ARTICLE published: 05 February 2010 doi: neuroHUMAN NEUROSCIENCE

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Language: English - Date: 2016-01-19 18:14:03
136Neuroscience / Nervous system / Brain / Cerebrum / Semantic memory / Inferior temporal gyrus / Premotor cortex / Occipital lobe / Mirror neuron / Motor cortex / Lateralization of brain function / Visual system

Action Concepts in the Brain: An Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-analysis Christine E. Watson1,2, Eileen R. Cardillo2, Geena R. Ianni2, and Anjan Chatterjee2 Abstract

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Language: English - Date: 2014-03-07 12:05:58
137Neuroscience / Computational neuroscience / Cognition / Cognitive science / Artificial neural networks / Nervous system / Artificial intelligence / Connectionism / Biological neural network / Neuron / Hybrid neural network / Nervous system network models

Perceptrons Informatics 1 CG: Lecture 5 Mirella Lapata School of Informatics University of Edinburgh

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Language: English - Date: 2016-01-21 10:51:51
138Neuroscience / Nervous system / Cognitive science / Consciousness / Braincomputer interface / Humancomputer interaction / Virtual reality / Electroencephalography / Draft:MindBEAGLE / Disorders of consciousness / Near-death experience


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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-08 11:26:27
139Neuroscience / Biology / Nervous system / Electroencephalography / Radiobiology / Neurophysiology / Electrophysiology / Sleep / Bioelectromagnetics / Radio frequency

Forschungsstiftung Strom und Mobilkommunikation Research Fndn for Electricity and Mobile Communication Final Report

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Language: English - Date: 2016-06-28 10:05:43
140Stress / Psychology / Health / Medicine / Mindfulness / Mindbody interventions / Sympathetic nervous system / Emotions / Relaxation / Psychological stress / Stress management / Massage

257174The following are activities that can be employed to manage stress: Stress Management Programmes A recent study indicated that stress-management programmes may reduce the risk of heart problems, including h

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Language: English